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Programación en C++ Builder

 Arrays (arrays)
3. Example of class in c + +
8. AnsiString class methods
 C + + projects
 Packages, distribute an application without installation
 Exchange or bubble sorting
 String string.h functions

9. Serial Communications RS-232

Borland C + + Builder does not contain any object or control for RS232 communication, so you have to find third-party resources to perform this function. RS232 serial communications can be implemented in many different ways you can access the Windows APIs (work hard and complex), you can install the Visual Basic ActiveX Mscomm32.ocx or you can use a controller developed for the Builder C + +. In our case we will use a small control Freeware developed by Victor Chen.

Borland c + + builder Serial Port Components


 void Open (); Open communication port

void Close (); Close communication port

bool Enabled (); State Communications Port

int Write (char Buf [], DWORD Count); Write Output Buffer

int Read (char Buf [], DWORD Count); Read the Input Buffer

InQueCount int (); number or bytes in the Input Buffer, -1 = Port Closed

OutQueCount int (); number or bytes in the Output Buffer, -1 = Port Closed

PurgeIn void (); Clean Input Buffer

PurgeOut void (); Clean Output Buffer

/ / Functions} {Comm escape
SetDTRState void (bool State);
SetRTSState void (bool State);
SetBREAKState void (bool State);
SetXONState void (bool State);
UpdateDataControlBlock void (); 

TComm Properties

BaudRate (Baud Rate)

    br110, BR300, br600, br1200, br2400, br4800, br9600, br14400, br19200, br38400, br56000, br57600, br115200, br128000, br256000

    DataBits (Data bits)
    da4, Qa5, DA6, DA7, DA8,

    DeviceName (communications port name)
    Com1, Com2 ...


    FlowControl (Flow Control)
    fcNone, fcCTS, fcDTR, fcSoftware, fcDefault

    MonitorEvents (Monitoring events)

    coParityCheck, coDsrSensitivity, coIgnoreXOff, coErrorChar, coNullStrip

    Parity (Parity)
    Panon, paOdd, paEven, paMark, PASPAC

    ReadBufSize (read buffer size)


    StopBits (Stop Bits)
    SB10, SB 15, SB20


    WriteBufSize (write buffer size)

    WriteTimeout (timeout in script)

    TComm control properties of RS-232


     / / OnBreak
    void __fastcall TForm1:: Comm1Break (TObject * Sender) {
    / / OnComStatEvent
    void __fastcall TForm1:: Comm1ComStatEvent (TObject * Sender, DWORD Status, COMSTAT COMSTAT) {
    / / OnCts
    void __fastcall TForm1:: Comm1Cts (TObject * Sender) {
    / / OnDsr
    void __fastcall TForm1:: Comm1Dsr (TObject * Sender) {
    / / OnRing
    void __fastcall TForm1:: Comm1Ring (TObject * Sender) {
    / / OnRlsd
    void __fastcall TForm1:: Comm1Rlsd (TObject * Sender) {
    / / OnError
    void __fastcall TForm1:: Comm1Error (TObject * Sender, int Errors) {
    / / OnRxChar
    void __fastcall TForm1:: Comm1RxChar (TObject * Sender, DWORD Count) {
    / / OnRxFlag;
    void __fastcall TForm1:: Comm1RxFlag (TObject * Sender) {
    / / OnTxEmpty;
    void __fastcall TForm1:: Comm1TxEmpty (TObject * Sender) {


     bool Connected = {read = FConnected};
    / / Status flags} {Comm
    CTS bool = {index = 1, read = GetModemState};
    bool DSR = {index = 2, read = GetModemState};
    RING bool = {index = 3, read = GetModemState};
    RLSD bool = {index = 4, read = GetModemState};
    CtsHold bool = {index = 1, read = GetComState};
    DsrHold bool = {index = 2, read = GetComState};
    RlsdHold bool = {index = 3, read = GetComState};
    XOffHold bool = {index = 4, read = GetComState};
    XOffSent bool = {index = 5, read = GetComState};
    __property HANDLE Handle = {read = FHandle}; 
    Events TComm control RS-232 communications
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