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Programación en C++ Builder

 Arrays (arrays)
3. Example of class in c + +
8. AnsiString class methods
 C + + projects
 Packages, distribute an application without installation
 Exchange or bubble sorting
 String string.h functions

9.1. RS232 communications example

RS232 Communications Unit

 //------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------
# Include 
# Pragma hdrstop

# Include "RS232Unit.h"
//------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------
# Pragma package (smart_init)
# Pragma link "Comm"
# Pragma resource "*. dfm"
TForm1 * Form1;
//------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------
__fastcall TForm1:: TForm1 (TComponent * Owner)
    : TForm (Owner)

//------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------

void __fastcall TForm1:: FormCreate (TObject * Sender)
/ / Set the default communications
    ComboBox1-> ItemIndex = br9600; / / Bits per second
/ * 0: br110
        1: BR300
        2: br600
        3: br1200
        4: br2400
        5: br4800
        6: br9600
        7: br14400
        8: br19200
        9: br38400
        10: br56000
        11: br57600
        12: br115200 * /
    ComboBox2-> ItemIndex = DA8 / / Data Bits
/ * 0: da4
        1: Qa5
        2: DA6
        3: DA7
        4: DA8 * /
    ComboBox3-> ItemIndex = Panone / / Parity
/ * 0: Panone
        1: paOdd (Par)
        2: paEven (odd)
        3: paMark (Brand)
        4: PASPAC (Space) * /
    ComboBox4-> ItemIndex = SB10; / / Stop Bits
/ * 0: SB10
        1: SB 15
        2: SB20 * /
    ComboBox5-> ItemIndex = fcNone / / Flow Control
/ * 0: fcNone
        1: fcCTS
        2: fcDTR
        3: fcSottware
        4: fcDefault * /
    ComboBox6-> ItemIndex = 0, / / ​​Port
//------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------

 / / Green Check OFF ON clLime clGreen
 / / Blue Check OFF ON 0x00FF8000 0x00804000

void __fastcall TForm1:: Comm1RxChar (TObject * Sender, DWORD Count)
int state;
int NumRec;
Dat String;
BufRec char [101];

Shape3-> Brush-> Color = clLime;

NumRec = comm1-> InQueCount (), / / ​​Number of characters received
State = comm1-> Read (BufRec, Count) / / Read Buffer
if (state ==- 1)
    ShowMessage ("Error in receiving");
    for (int n = 0, n <NumRec, n + +)
	if (! CheckBox1-> Checked)    
            Dat = dat + IntToStr (BufRec [n ])+',';
            Dat = dat + BufRec [n];
    Edit2-> Text = Edit2-> Text + Dat;
Shape2-> Brush-> Color = 0x00FF8000;
Timer1-> Enabled = true;
//------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------

 void TForm1:: EstadoLineas ()
if (comm1-> CTS)
    Shape8-> Brush-> Color = 0x00FF8000;
    Shape8-> Brush-> Color = 0x00804000;
if (comm1-> DSR)
    Shape6-> Brush-> Color = 0x00FF8000;
    Shape6-> Brush-> Color = 0x00804000;
if (comm1-> RING)
    Shape9-> Brush-> Color = 0x00FF8000;
    Shape9-> Brush-> Color = 0x00804000;
if (comm1-> RLSD)
    Shape1-> Brush-> Color = 0x00FF8000;
    Shape1-> Brush-> Color = 0x00804000;
//------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------

 void __fastcall TForm1:: Comm1Cts (TObject * Sender)
/ / Check the status of the CTS and DSR LINES
EstadoLineas ();
//------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------

void __fastcall TForm1:: Comm1Dsr (TObject * Sender)
/ / Check the status of the CTS and DSR LINES
EstadoLineas ();
//------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------

void __fastcall TForm1:: BitBtn1Click (TObject * Sender)
if (! comm1-> Enabled ())
    / / Set parameters
    Comm1-> DeviceName = ComboBox6-> Items-> Strings [ComboBox6-> ItemIndex] / / Port
    Comm1-> baudrate = ComboBox1-> ItemIndex, / / Bits per second
    Comm1-> DataBits = ComboBox2-> ItemIndex / / Data Bits
    Comm1-> Parity = ComboBox3-> ItemIndex / / Parity
    Comm1-> StopBits = ComboBox4-> ItemIndex / / Stop Bits
    Comm1-> FlowControl = ComboBox5-> ItemIndex / / Flow Control
    / / Open communication port
    Comm1-> Open ();
    Comm1-> SetRTSState (true) / / Enable RTS
    Shape7-> Brush-> Color = clLime;
    Comm1-> SetDTRState (true) / / Enable DTR line
    Shape4-> Brush-> Color = clLime;
    / / Toggle the status indicators open port
    Label7-> Caption = "Open Port";
    Shape10-> Brush-> Color = clLime;
    / / Check the status of the CTS and DSR LINES
    EstadoLineas ();
//------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------

void __fastcall TForm1:: BitBtn2Click (TObject * Sender)
if (comm1-> Enabled ())
    / / Close the communication port
    Comm1-> Close ();
    / / Toggle the status indicators open port
    Label7-> Caption = "Port Closed";
    Shape10-> Brush-> Color = clRed;
    Shape7-> Brush-> Color = clGreen;
    Shape4-> Brush-> Color = clGreen;
    / / Check the status of the CTS and DSR LINES
    EstadoLineas ();
//------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------

void __fastcall TForm1:: BitBtn4Click (TObject * Sender)
    Edit2-> Text = "";    
//------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------

void __fastcall TForm1:: BitBtn3Click (TObject * Sender)
    Edit1-> Text = "";    
//------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------

void __fastcall TForm1:: Comm1Ring (TObject * Sender)
/ / Check the status of the CTS and DSR LINES
EstadoLineas ();
//------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------

void __fastcall TForm1:: Comm1Rlsd (TObject * Sender)
/ / Check the status of the CTS and DSR LINES
EstadoLineas ();
//------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------

void __fastcall TForm1:: Edit1KeyPress (TObject * Sender, char & Key)
char dat [2];

Dat [0] = Key;
Comm1-> Write (dat, 1);

Shape3-> Brush-> Color = clLime;
Timer2-> Enabled = true;

//------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------

void __fastcall TForm1:: Timer1Timer (TObject * Sender)
Timer1-> Enabled = false;
Shape2-> Brush-> Color = 0x00804000;
//------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------

void __fastcall TForm1:: Timer2Timer (TObject * Sender)
Timer2-> Enabled = false;
Shape3-> Brush-> Color = clGreen;
//------------------------------------------------ --------------------------- 

Example test program RS-232 communications
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