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Microcontroladores 8051

6.3. Bit field structures

You can define the elements of a structure bit fields acting as member variables of structure, with a number of bits between 1 and 8 (the range of structures depends on the bit microprocessor architecture and compiler being using, the range can be from 1 to 8, 1 to 16, 1 to 32 or 1 to 64).

Declaration of structure data type bits

 / / Declaring a bit structure
Ports struct {
	CH0 unsigned: 1, / / Range 0.1
	Ch1 unsigned: 2; / / range 0 to 3
	Ch2 unsigned: 3; / / range 0 to 7	
	unsigned Ch3: 1, / / Range 0.1

Declaration of variables

 void main (void) {
	struct data ports PU_1 / / Declaring a variable rate PU_1 Ports
	PU_1.Ch0 = 0, / / Assign data items
	PU_1.Ch1 = 3;
	PU_1.Ch2 = 5;
	PU_1.Ch3 = 1;

Memory contents

Memory contents of the bit field structure

6.4. Unions

Data type declaration

 {Data junction
	unsigned int i; / / Integer
	unsigned char c [2] / / Array of two characters

Declaration of variables

 void main (void) {
	Data junction d_1 data / / Declaration of a variable data rate d_1
	d_1.i = 0x0405, / / ​​Assignment of an integer number
	d_1.c ch1 = [0] / / Assignment to ch1 1 byte contents of the union (ch1 = 5)
	CH2 = d_1.c [1] / / Assignment to ch1 1 byte contents of the union (CH2 = 4) 

Memory contents

Memory contents of the union

6.5. Definition of symbols

Definition of symbols

 {# Define principle
# Define end}
# Define integer int
# Define number 10
# Define limited number * 5
# Define sum x + y
# Define message "other large \ n" 
 main ()
	integer x, y, z;
	x = 5;
	y = limit;
	z = sum;
	if (z> y)
		printf (message);

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