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Orcad Capture

2. Design (Desing)

Working with the program is guided through projects, known designs (Desing) consisting of a file with the name of the design, which contains the scheme or schemes and in turn the sheet or sheets.

2.1. Redesigned (New Desing)

The creation of a new design can be done from the menu (File) or directly from the icon on the toolbar.

New design New Desing

2.2. Design Manager

The design is presented in a tree, which can identify the following elements:

  • Desing resources: Folder containing resources of design.
  • Desing1: desing1 folder called default design. This folder can contain one or multiple pages of designs.
  • Squematic1: page design, represents a schema.
  • Desing Cache: Copy of the elements that are part of a design.
  • Library, Outputs: Folders contain output reports if they exist.
Project Manager

The figure below shows the folder (Project Manager) for a design structured as hierarchical.

Project Manager of a scheme gerárquico
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