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3.4. Control of LED lamps

The current needs of the lighting in buildings is not limited to the automation of the lights but it has to perform an efficient control to optimize energy consumption, but beyond these functions that are obvious to any home automation controller, the microHomeLan project will enter the world of design with full control of LED lighting systems to get any kind of environment in the buildings, being able to create subtle lighting, intense, spread with color control, etc. with smooth transitions. Providing a total control of various lighting environments.

3.4.1. Simple on / off LED lamps

Simple on / off LED lamps

Example of a switch acting as a switch to control an analog output AO1, current regulator diodes leds switched power plant automation.


  • 1 analog output AO1 (PowerLed) of the Unit1 connected to two LED lamps (<12V each).


  • 1 digital input DI1 of the Unit1 connected to a switch.


In this example, LED lamps are handled as in conventional digital outputs, so the program is exactly the same.

When doing a short press <0.25 sec in the button Click event occurs that is used to send the shutdown command, process Led lamp Off. If you perform a long press and sustained> 0.25 Ins Down event occurs that is used to send the activation order, process Led On the diodes. If you perform a long press turns on the lamp, if you perform a short press turns off the lamp.

You can also change the order of processes in the event, changing the effect of control, short press activates the lamp and long press stops.

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