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3.3.2. Automatic electrical shutter control buttons

Following the pattern of previous examples in this section details the control of an electric shutter control through simple buttons. The use of buttons is more economical than dedicated shutter switches being a common element and lower cost, at the same time extracts the highest yield as home automation control is more elegant and functional.

This same example can be used with plants that incorporate tactile sensors obtained an outstanding result given the many possible combinations.


  • DO1 Digital Output 1 (relay 10A) of the Unit1 connected to the engine line rise.
  • DO2 digital output 1 (relay 10A) of the Unit1 connected to the engine line of descent.


  • 1 digital input DI1 Unit1 connected to the upload button.
  • 1 digital input DI2 Unit1 connected to the button down.
Motor home automation control buttons tambour


In this example, control over events in the past to give greater functionality to control. This can be analyzed better if you first establish the possible actions you can take the user on the button.

1. If you perform a short press (time less than 250ms).

For this case, handle the Click event, both in the switch is up and down in, for both, the process is sent Time On 1min.

2. If you perform a long press (longer than 250ms).

Down event occurs to 250ms and Up event when the button is released, taking advantage of these processes to send 1min Time On and Off respectively. Programmed in both keys.

The effect is that when you make a push on the keys opens or closes the shutter completely. If we make a sustained push mode is entered, say, manual control, which the shutters made the motion displayed while the button is held down, when it is released, the motor will stop and the shutter will remain in position desired.

As you can see this control is more elegant than the one shown in the examples above, however is not the only possible solution, playing with the events and processes entries and exits of the home automation can be achieved many different ways control.

For automatic control and programming daily, with light sensors, solar radiation sensors, thermal etc. It has to use the facility with real time clock or the central sensors that have performed extremely efficient control of these devices, resulting in large energy savings and optimize the quality of life in the home.

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