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2.3. Programming actions and events

The most important step is the programming of home automation. The programming should not be complicated or require special skills, applied philosophy followed in this project is simple and intuitive. To program we just have to do the following approach when it acts on the button A, what I want to happen?, You turn the light B, because this is the program.

1. In the desired digital input, in our case (DI1 central light dining) observed the driver of possible events.

2. About the event we want to handle (in this case Click) we click on the icon to send a process (Send process).

3. Dialog box appears to send a process in which we select:

  • To Unit. For the drive, any network central. In our case is the same unit (Central 1 st silver), but can be anyone.
  • Output. The desired output of the plant, we want to act on the relay (DO1 central dining room light.)
  • Process. Process to make, we want to happen with the output selected, activate (On) stop (off) in our case is (Complement) complement, ie change its status.

4. Submit and purpose of the program, active event appears the play icon in green, indicating that each time there is a click on the entry DO1 be made the process of changing the state of the central light of the room.

Schedule events at home automation

Repeating this process for the other entries and exits of home automation, according to wiring diagram execution of the program microHomeLan automation network.

Only the program is transmitted to the network and our network will be operational automation. Anytime we have new needs and ask, I want the light button is used for dining hall, or both, I want the X switch off all lights at 7 pm is turning a glimmer in the door ... only changes the program and ready.

In this example no global actions are defined as they are not necessary.

Home automation events
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